International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering

  EHB 2023 - 11-th Edition

9-10 November 2023, Hybrid Conference, Bucharest - Romania


EHB 2022 Conference Opening 17th November, 9.00 a.m., ONSITE (Traian Hotel, Iasi, Romania) & ONLINE - Zoom platform 

EHB 2022 - Conference Program at a GlanceDOWNLOAD 
EHB 2022 - Conference Detailed Program  - DOWNLOAD 
EHB 2022 - Chairpersons - DOWNLOAD 
EHB 2022 - Registers for the Young Researcher Contest - DOWNLOAD
EHB 2022 - Young Researcher Contest Results - DOWNLOAD 

19 November Program
   9:00 -11:00 (EET)  Meeting of the Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering;
11:00 - 13:00 (EET) Meeting of IEEE EMB Romania Chapter.

The participants with oral presentations are kindly asked to prepare a 10 minutes presentation of their papers, by means of MS PowerPoint software. Other 2 minutes are assigned to discussions for each orally presented paper, so a total of 12 minutes are assigned for each paper. We will​ appreciate if the PowerPoint presentations ​are​ sent via e-mail until 10th November to the address with the paper ID as an indicator, so our organizers can prepare these presentations in terms of time allocated, sessions and order of appearance before the conference date.

F​or the poster session​​,​ ​t​he participants ​who ​have poster presentations are asked to​ prepare a 3-4 slides PowerPoint ​file ​of their work with 5 minutes presentation. Other 2 minutes are assigned to discussions for each poster presented paper, so a total of 7 minutes are assigned for each paper. We will​ appreciate if the PowerPoint presentations ​are​ sent via e-mail until 10th November to the address with the paper ID as an indicator, so our organizers can prepare these presentations in terms of time allocated, sessions and order of appearance before the conference date.

Both presentation styles will have the same publishing regime. 

See you soon at the 10-th edition of the IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2022!

EHB 2022 Organizing Committee

Welcome to EHB 2022

We are glad and honored to invite you to join the 10-th edition of the IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2022, which will take place on 17-19 November 2022, ONLINE & ON-SITE in Iasi-Romania. This year the conference motto is “Improving Quality of Life through Research and Innovation" and we have to stress that the sub-domains and topics of medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering represent fundamental pillars for the reinforcement of medical research and of health care.

The 10-th edition of this annual conference is organized by Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iaşi / Faculty of Medical Bioengineering and Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering, under the aegis and technical sponsorship of the IEEE, IEEE Romania Section, IEEE-EMB, IEEE-EMC, IEEE Signal Processing Romania Chapters, and IEEE SMC Romania Chapter and co-organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch. The conference is mainly dedicated to the e-health systems, medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering, but also addresses related fields. Its specific aim and objectives are to promote concepts and advanced hardware and software technologies in the emerging domains of e-health, medical devices and instrumentation, biosignal and image processing, medical informatics, biomechanics, biomaterials, biotechnologies, medical physics, healthcare management, teaching and (e)learning, rehabilitative and assistive technologies, as well as in some younger disciplines such as bioinformatics, systems biology and the virtual physiological human.

In this respect, some of the prominent future challenges of modern medicine, for which e-health and bioengineering in general are called to approach them, are (non-exhaustively): prosthetic arms, new medical devices and bioinstrumentation for non-invasive diagnosis and treatment, image-guided robotic instruments for surgical interventions, computer and telecom extensively aided of the medical intervention, new and multimodal imaging techniques to see inside the human body from organ to sub-cells structures, diagnostic methods and therapies will become noninvasive or minimally-invasive procedures, intelligent systems and technologies in rehabilitation engineering, a new kind of ambulance to the door, equipped with all necessary for complete diagnosis and communications facilities, new possibilities of providing telemedicine and e-health services, and new ways of home self-care.

It seems to be no limit to what bioengineering could do in next years to revolutionize medical practice. In fact, the next generations of bioengineers and biomedical engineers will probably develop things we can’t even yet imagine or at most we may dream at. 

Dear colleagues, you are all welcome to EHB 2022 !
Professor Hariton Costin, 
EHB 2022 General Chair

EHB 2021 Photos


EHB 2020 Photos


EHB 2019


  EHB 2019 SITE





Media Partners


Biosensors (ISSN 2079-6374; CODEN: BIOSHU) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the technology and science of biosensors published monthly online by MDPI. Both experimental and theoretical papers are published, including all aspects of biosensor design, technology, proof of concept and application. Biosensors is covered by leading indexing services, including SCIE, Scopus,PubMed, MEDLINE, PMC, Embase, CAPlus / SciFinder, Inspec, and other relevant databases.
The latest Impact Factor (IF) is 5.743 and the CiteScore is 5.6. We look forward to receiving your contributions!


The Biomedical Sensors Section publishes original peer-reviewed papers covering all aspects of Biomedical Sensors. This section addresses all aspects of biomedical sensors, including source and detection technologies for the study, treatment, and prevention of various diseases and injuries; biomedical sensor design and fabrication, performance, processing approaches, and applications; new developments and recent improvements in designs; and the electronics, data processing, and materials of biomedical sensors.


O varietate de resurse și acces aproape nelimitat la informație – așa ne-a schimbat Internetul perspectivele în ultimele două decenii. În aceste condiții, „conectat” înseamnă informat, iar în topul subiectelor de interes pentru utilizatorii din întreaga lume rămâne sănătatea. este de peste 16 ani un demers susținut de a aduce în față informația veridică, de calitate, bine documentată și responsabilă. Eforturile noastre pentru sănătate se materializează prin articolele publicate de redacția noastră – o echipă de tineri dedicați și curioși care, alături de peste 200 de colaboratori, lucrează zilnic pentru a dezvolta acest proiect de informare medicală online. Noi am conștientizat la timp că medicina care servește cu adevărat oamenilor este cea bazată pe dovezi științifice, actualizată în permanență și documentată cu simț de responsabilitate.

International Conference Alerts provides details about the upcoming academic conferences, seminars and workshops to be held worldwide. Academician and professionals can get their relevant updates and conference alerts through International conference alerts. International Conference Alerts provides a free subscription to its users with email notifications about upcoming Medical conferences, Engineering conferences, Business and Economics, Science and education and various conferences..
International Conference Alerts provides details about the upcoming academic conferences, seminars and workshops to be held worldwide. Academician and professionals can get their relevant updates and conference alerts through International conference alerts. International Conference Alerts provides a free subscription to its users with email notifications about upcoming Medical conferences, Engineering conferences, Business and Economics, Science and education and various conferences..
O varietate de resurse și acces aproape nelimitat la informație – așa ne-a schimbat Internetul perspectivele în ultimele două decenii. În aceste condiții, „conectat” înseamnă informat, iar în topul subiectelor de interes pentru utilizatorii din întreaga lume rămâne sănătatea. este de peste 16 ani un demers susținut de a aduce în față informația veridică, de calitate, bine documentată și responsabilă. Eforturile noastre pentru sănătate se materializează prin articolele publicate de redacția noastră – o echipă de tineri dedicați și curioși care, alături de peste 200 de colaboratori, lucrează zilnic pentru a dezvolta acest proiect de informare medicală online. Noi am conștientizat la timp că medicina care servește cu adevărat oamenilor este cea bazată pe dovezi științifice, actualizată în permanență și documentată cu simț de responsabilitate.

Upcoming - EHB 2023



On January 3th, EHB 2022 Proceeding was indexed on IEEE Website.

Good News !!!

EHB 2021 Proceeding was indexed in Web of Science Core Collection - Clarivate.

EHB 2021



EHB 2021 Proceeding was indexed on IEEE Website.

EHB 2021 Proceeding was indexed in Web of Science Core Collection - Clarivate.

EHB 2020



EHB 2020 Proceeding was indexed on IEEE Website.

EHB 2020 Proceeding was indexed in Web of Science Core Collection - Clarivate.

EHB 2019




EHB 2019 Proceeding was indexed on IEEE Website.

EHB 2019 Proceeding was indexed in Web of Science Core Collection - Clarivate.